
Western US Region Oireachtas - 2017

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Competition 5 - Oireachtas, Championship (U18)

44 competitors in this competition

PlaceDancer (School)
132 - Schutte, Maggie (WQ) (Butler-Fearon-O'Connor)
27 - Cosart, Abby (WQ) (Murray School)
326 - Phippen, Katie (WQ) (Tara Academy of Irish Dance)
46 - Daneluk, Anya-Marie (WQ) (Celtic Steps)
515 - Smith, Maeve (WQ) (Butler-Fearon-O'Connor)
640 - Bromley, Sarah (WQ) (Scariff Gilleoghan School of ID, Utah)
729 - Daugherty, Faith (WQ) (Celtic Steps)
824 - Irvine, Allison (WQ) (Claddagh Western U.S.)
931 - Twitchell, Carmen (Tara Academy of Irish Dance)
109 - Hsu, Christine (Kennelly School of Irish Dance)
1112 - Hurst, Sophie (Scoil Rince Slieveloughane)
1227 - Rider, Megan (Reed School of Irish Dance)
1346 - Rice, Lilly (Malone Academy)
1422 - Svatek, Nicole (Celtic Steps)
1521 - Smith, Kaitlin (Wick School)
1638 - Sarber, Emily (Clan Rince School of Irish Dancing)
1744 - Healey, Rhyan (Acadamh Rince)
1814 - Gamlen, Madeline (Keenan School of Irish Dancing)
1928 - White, Erin (Butler-Fearon-O'Connor)
2045 - MacKay, Elise (Butler-Fearon-O'Connor)
2123 - Edgar, Chelsea (Healy School)
225 - Spence, Dayna (Moriarty-Moffitt School of Irish Dance)

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