
Western US Region Oireachtas - 2017

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Competition 12 - Oireachtas, Championship (U11)

76 competitors in this competition

PlaceDancer (School)
134 - Stuart, Eloise (WQ) (Celtic Steps)
229 - Catchpole, Ella (WQ) (Richens/Timm, Wyoming)
362 - Oberg, Lily (WQ) (Celtic Steps)
478 - Neuheardt, Brigid (WQ) (Celtic Steps)
516 - Craig, Jane (WQ) (Tamora School of Irish Dance)
666 - Bowman, Fiona (WQ) (Celtic Steps)
749 - O'Hare, Una (WQ) (Murray School)
854 - Neuheardt, Cecilia (WQ) (Celtic Steps)
968 - Duncan, Juliette (WQ) (Maguire Academy of Irish Dance)
108 - Williams, Nicole (WQ) (Whelan Academy)
1059 - Sallee, Pia (WQ) (Keenan School of Irish Dancing)
1220 - McCabe, Hannah (Connolly Academy of Irish Dance)
1352 - Daly, Lily (Comerford Washington)
1456 - Roberts, Scarlett (Whelan Academy)
1580 - Ryan, Maggie (Claddagh Western U.S.)
1673 - Olson, Julia (Murray School)
1744 - chang, Betty (McBride School)
1835 - Callahan, Charlotte (Cleary Irish Dance)
192 - Velapoldi, Lillian (Celtic Steps)
2045 - Carson, Kathleen (McTeggart, Western U.S. Region)
2136 - Hilgeman, Nora (Malone Academy)
2242 - Bellot, Eva (Celtic Steps)
2350 - Cavanaugh, Elina (Celtic Steps)
244 - Weale, Charlotte-Rose (Malone Academy)
2574 - Salveson, Maeve (Celtic Steps)
2615 - Calkins, Claire (Maguire Academy of Irish Dance)
2718 - Day, Brooklynn (Celtic Steps)
2811 - Agustin, Sahlome (Fisher-McLeod School Of Irish Dance)
2914 - Salveson, Margo (Celtic Steps)
3075 - Roth, Sienna (Celtic Irish Dance Academy)
3177 - Lin, Caityn (Clan Rince School of Irish Dancing)
3241 - Alldredge, Kendall (Acadamh Rince)
3326 - Savage, Raney (Celtic Steps)
3447 - Aquino , Caroline (Wick School)
3546 - Glynn, Fiona (Celtic Steps)
3681 - Nugent, Eleanor (Reed School of Irish Dance)
3772 - OConnell, Kate (Clan Rince School of Irish Dancing)
3823 - McMurtry, Aislinn (Bennett School)

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